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Our founders' research showed that certain varieties of olive trees have powerful defense systems, which enable them to live for centuries. We farm olea europaea trees which are rich in polyphenols, the natural plant compounds that help olive trees survive and thrive. Today, our passionate team grows over 800,000 health-giving olive trees on our dedicated olive leaf farms.
We harvest our olive leaves at sunrise. Why? Because that's when the leaves are fresh and 'alive', rich in health-giving polyphenols. Within minutes of harvest, the leaves enter our proprietary water extraction process, designed to extract the antioxidant polyphenols, including Oleuropein. Then the concentrate is tested, sealed and packaged to protect it from heat, light, air and impurities.
If you're wondering why we haven't mentioned our systems for storing, preserving or drying our olive leaves, it's because we have none! Trials have shown that drying leaves reduces the levels of antioxidants in the final extract. That's why we use only fresh-picked™ leaves in our olive leaf extract, pure and simple to give you high quality oleuropein.
We add sustainably sourced, plant-based glycerol to our liquids to keep the olive leaf extract concentrate fresh, and nothing else, no alcohol or fillers. Then we package it to seal the concentrate away from air and heat to retain its purity and ensure the vital active ingredients maintain their antioxidant potency.
Discover more about the source of our Olive Life™ Olive Leaf Extract, our certifications and sustainable farming principles.
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